Why take courses in BUSINESS?
Business affects the daily lives of all Canadians as they work, spend, save and invest. Business influences jobs and incomes. Young people need to understand how business functions, its role in society, the opportunities it generates, and the impact it can have on their lives and society.
Business education is one of the key areas in post-secondary education that graduates students with employable skills. Almost 20% of new jobs created are expected to be in business, finance and administrative occupations - the highest of any occupational sector. Occupations with business, finance and administrative skills account for over 20% of total Canadian employment.
Critical Areas of Learning:
The A.N. Myer Business Department offer a variety of courses that cover all business disciplines. These courses explore and help students to develop skills in:
• Information and communication technology
• Management
• Financial services
• Administration
• Entrepreneurship
Business SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)